他離開了,但他依然是個勇士-Larry Sanders

曾經,他是密爾沃基復興的希望。2013年,密爾沃基把曾經在新秀球季亮眼一時的Brandon Jennings,個人能力很強可是與球隊總是格格不入的Monta Ellis送走,並以四年4400萬的合約續約Larry Sanders。那時候,密爾沃基確是把球隊的未來押了在他身上。

在2012-2013的球季中,Larry Sanders更打出了場均9.5籃板,2.5封阻(全聯盟第二,僅次於Serge Ibaka)的卓越數據,在最佳進步球員榜排行第三。(補充:該季的獲獎球員是Paul George,也在那季成為全明星,第二名則是Greivis Vásquez。)其中在2012年11月30日在對上明尼蘇達的比賽中,更交出了10分,12籃板,10封阻的瘋狂大三元表現。

在很多人眼中,他是一個不懂自愛,浪費了大好生涯的籃球員。可是,如果你聽聽Larry Sanders自己的說法,或許你會對他感同情,甚至喜歡上這個球員。
近日讀過一則Larry Sanders的訪問,當中他提及了自己離開NBA的原因,揭示了職業籃球員生活的壓力,以及對自己未來動向的發展。

引用"To him, the league is more interested in punishing a player than providing a solution. And when punishments are brought to light, they begin to morph how the player is perceived."

引用“You pan out—I start talking and rambling—you pan out, you pan out and you look at life and, like, man, this timeline, these certain elements, how we lived for this certain time, and then, all of sudden—boom.”

“I hated the way that they displayed me,” he says. “For 20 minutes a day, I’m now this angry man, getting all these technical fouls. No one knows my life from that point on, no one knows my day. Some people go through things, y’know? But that’s who you are, y’know? You’re just a basketball player, you’re just a performer.”

“People have displaced emotions, anxieties; they need to create. That’s what we come from. We’d lived that way for 15 million years. Now, it’s this 300-year span, and everyone’s working, unfortunately.”

NBA球員在世界最高的籃球殿堂打球,賺取巨額合約的背後,其實也有很多傷心故事。Larry Sanders就是一位典形例子。退出並不等如懦弱,Larry Sanders選擇了面對自己的問題。對於未來,他仍然是樂觀的。他仍然在為自己的生活努力,也不排除重返NBA的可能。
“Y’know, the timeline of your life, playing it out, no one is ever anyone until they’re not here anymore,” he says. “So, y’know, I can’t say who I am. I’m still figuring it out. I’m still coming to me.”

"I love basketball, and if I get to a point where I feel I’m capable of playing basketball again, I will. I’ve had to make the difficult decision to follow my intuition, and allow myself the space and time to explore my true purpose in life."
期望日後終能在籃球場再看到你如廌展翅,加油Larry Sanders!



標籤: Larry Sanders  Bucks  密爾沃基  雄鹿