你知道嗎,LeBron James其實並不喜歡克里夫蘭?

自從上年皇帝回巢後,騎士隊一躍成為了東方的霸主,於總決賽才告敗陣。這一記回家記讓騎士隊的球迷津津樂道,而LeBron James也表示希望為家鄉球會帶來首冠。可是,大家知道其實克里夫蘭並非LeBron的家鄉嗎?

引用It's not far, but it is far. And Clevelanders, because they were the bigger-city kids when we were growing up, looked down on us.... So we didn't actually like Cleveland. We hated Cleveland growing up. There's a lot of people in Cleveland we still hate to this day.

而當初,LeBron James選擇離開騎士隊,被冠上背叛家鄉的情節。而訪問LeBron的那位記者表示這樣是不公平的,LeBron的家鄉從來就不是克里夫蘭。那位記者認為,是騎士隊硬要把Akron說成是克里夫蘭的一部分。
引用To their credit, the Cavaliers tried to make Akron a part of their "Home" campaign to keep LeBron in Cleveland. To LeBron, however, Cleveland was never part of "Home," and taking his talents to South Beach has little to do with the City of Akron. Akron is home, not Cleveland, so leaving the Cavaliers has nothing to do with leaving home.

不管如何,LeBron James終究是回到了俄亥俄,筆者也誠心祝福他能早日為克里夫蘭帶來隊史首冠,加油LeBron!



標籤: LeBron  James  克里夫蘭