




「我討厭尼克。我很愛尼克,但我很憎恨尼克,是一個死心塌地的尼克球迷。童年時,我的房間都放滿了九十年代的紐約球星海報。不止是Ewing, LJ, Houston,我還將Rick Brunson的新聞剪出來,製成薄板,就像博物館的展品一樣。我13歲時的相片,都是以藍色及橙色框架保存(尼克球衣為橙藍色),就像年鑑一樣,與尼克的polo一樣。經歷過顛峰,低潮、低潮、更多的低潮,無限的低潮,我已經忍無可忍了。在這個時候,我決定以作為紐約尼克的一名球迷,出售自己的身份。」

- 全心全意愛上這支球隊
- 在你選擇的球隊,下$500美元的賭注,表示該隊將會成為最多勝利的球隊,以證明我是愛該球隊,及他們每一場比賽
- 購買NBA的觀看組合,觀看球隊每一場賽事
- 從該球隊購入兩位球員的球衣
- 親自到該球隊的主場觀看賽事 (已包機票及食宿)
- 親自到該球隊的客場觀看賽事 (和上述一樣)
- 把紐約尼克丟到垃圾桶,取而代之是你所選擇的球隊
- 把不少於三件尼克的紀念品燒掉
- 你選擇的球隊將會成為我的車子的外殼

引用I hate the Knicks. I love the Knicks, but I hate the Knicks. Die-hard New York Knicks fan. My childhood room is still filled with posters from the 90’s, the good ole glory days. And not just Ewing, LJ, Houston, I’m talking Rick Brunson NYK articles cut-out, laminated, and still in what is now basically a museum. Pictures of me at 13-years old with blue & orange colored braces, that’s a tough yearbook photo, and in a Knicks collared shirt to match nonetheless! After all the ups, downs, more downs, more downs, infinite downs, I have reached my absolute breaking point. As of this moment, my New York Knicks fan-hood is officially for sale. What is included in bidding on my new fan-hood? I will honor the team of your choosing and be a fan. What does that entail?

• Root for this team whole-heartly
• Bet $500 on their team total over wins, whatever it may be. Ensuring I root for them each and every game
• Buy the NBA package to watch every game
• Buy 2 different players jersey from the team
• Attend 1 Home Game of this team (obviously I have to cover flight and lodging as well)
• Attend 1 Away Game of this team (again, a full travel package)
• Throw out my awesome Knicks trash can, replacing it with the team of your choosing
• Burn no less than 3 articles of Knicks memorabilia
• Your teams license plate casing for my car


標籤: 紐約尼克