還記得Matt Barnes把球揮向Kobe Bryant的動作嗎?Barnes近日回憶事件


於美國時間2010年3月7日,一場由魔術主場迎戰湖人的賽事當中,第三節時Matt Barnes在一次邊線發球當中,他把球直接作勢揮向Kobe Bryant。但是,見慣大場面的Kobe Bryant沒有因此而後退,顯得若無其事一樣,這亦成為了聯盟經典的畫面之一。

近日Matt Barnes接受訪問時,亦回懷了當時的情況:


「然後,我對他做了一下Ball faked(把球揮向Kobe的動作),那件他X的事發生了。我當時並不意識到那個動作有多接近他的臉。我當時正留意那一球的處理,我在尋找Vince Carter能否開後門,然後這就成為了NBA的歷史了。」

“One thing about Kobe is he’s obviously physically gifted, but his mental approach to it is second to none,” Barnes said. “He’ll do all kinds of stuff to mentally f**k with you without saying a single word. Grabbing you, elbowing you, cheap shoting you, just doing sneaky veteran s**t that Kobe can get away. I was retaliating most of the time and I would get called, so I came to the point where I’m like, ‘f**k basketball we are about to fight.’

“I just ball faked. The s**t kind of happened by itself. I didn’t realize how close I came to his face or where his face was. I was looking at the play behind him. I was looking for Vince Carter in a back door and it just made NBA history.”




標籤: Matt Barnes  Kobe Bryant