勇士經營成功是其他球隊的借鑑,C.J. McCollum談勇士成功之道


勇士今季壓倒性取得勝利,外界一直指勇士是靠組團取得成功。拓荒者得分後衛C.J. McCollum在廣播節目HoopsHype被問到對「勇士破壞NBA生態」等言論的看法,McCollum直斥這些言論都是「垃圾」。
引用"No, no, I think that's garbage, man," McCollum said of the notion the Warriors are bad for the game. "I think they've done things the right way. It's not like they cheated. They drafted well. They developed players within. Steph, Klay, Draymond, those players were drafted. And then they bring in an outsider in KD, who was a free agent, had every right to sign with whatever team he wanted.

"I don't understand how that's considered bad for the game. If anything, other teams need to get better. Other teams need to figure out ways to execute trades, to execute in the draft, develop players internally and try to put something together."

McCollum認為,指勇士是經營有道,從正途取得成功,事實上勇士並沒有作弊,他們在多方面都做得很好,在選秀方面,他們很有遠見,選得Stephen Curry、Klay Thompson、Draymond Green,把他們培育成才。然後在自由市場簽下KD,才組成今時今日的勇士。McCollum認為勇士不但只對NBA無害,反而能成為其他球隊的一面鏡,反省如何在交易球員、選秀、培育球員方面做得更好、更有效率。

Source: Bleacher Reporter
