
魔獸Dwight Howard曾與黑曼巴Kobe Bryant在2012-13球季於湖人做過隊友,當時大家都很期待這兩人的合作。可是開季後有傳兩人鬧不和,最後不歡而散。如今舊事重提,Howard在Twitter上被問到當時他和Kobe為何鬧不和,Howard否認事年,指一切都是傳媒炒作。


在2012-13的球季,當時湖人還有Steve Nash和Pau Gasol,湖人以45勝37敗進身季後賽,但在首圈就慘被馬刺以場數4:0橫掃。在這慘烈的一季,有指Howard一直在Kobe背後講他壊話。而Kobe則指在自己在更衣室時經常會鼓勵隊友,而他一直嘗試教導Howard,但換來的是令Howard覺得反感。

I tried teaching Dwight. I tried showing him. But the reality is that when you have a perception of what it is to win a championship - and most perceptions of what it's like to win are a very outgoing, very gregarious locker room where you pick each other up and you're friends all the time. That's the perception. And I think that's what his perception was of what the idea is. But when he saw the reality of it, it made him uncomfortable.

在今年三月的時候,Howard接受Marc J. Spears的訪問時,表示從來沒有跟Kobe鬧不和,縱使他承認已經沒有再跟Kobe說話。


Source: Bleacher Report
