
Stephen Curry的三分無疑是聯盟各支球隊的威脅,使近年各支球隊在防守部署方面都更加著重三分防守。而近日有位Reddit用戶可能受到香港籃球KOL 正宗教練研發的「炮台山戰術」所啟發,這位用戶在Reddit發帖問勇士為何不用四位球員手牽手圍著Curry,築成一個防線,令Curry在不受干擾下輕鬆出手。

引用Picture this: the Warriors go out and get 4 incredibly strong bodies with really long arms. For the entire game, on the offensive end, those 4 guys lock arms together and form a circle around Steph Curry so that none of the opponents can get to him – sort of like how you might protect a quarterback if you didn’t know the rules of football.

Steph Curry barely needs much daylight to shoot, so as long as they leave around a foot of room around him, he can probably just bomb away freely every possession. Why don’t the Warriors do this? Is Steve Kerr an idiot?
