Al Jefferson稱要改善防守

上季,夏洛特是NBA防守能力中排第6位。或許這個成績對於不少夏洛特球員來說是個不俗的成績。但對於Al Jefferson來說,他並不滿意。

他接受當地媒體訪問時表示,上季當到比賽最後時刻,他的對手總會利用擋拆戰術來對付他們。對方運用擋拆戰術,就是要針對Al Jefferson這個「弱點」。對於多次被對手「利用」,Al Jefferson表示不好受,所以他要挑戰自己,改善自己的防守。

(“I refuse to continue to keep getting picked on at the end of games. It’s not fun….Last year at the end of games teams always put me in high pick-and-rolls. I got sick of them thinking that was to their advantage, and it was to their advantage…. There’s a reason (teams pick on his defense) – I’d pick on me too. So I want to take the challenge to get better at that so it’s not an option they always go to. And they do go to it, so I’m culpable.”)

作為夏洛特的領袖,相信Al Jefferson以身作則,將會為球隊帶來正面作用。而本季加入了Lance Stephenson,相信亦會加強夏洛特的防守。


