Jordan Hill與湖人續約的原因是?

Jordan Hill今夏簽了兩年1800萬美元的合約(第二年為球隊選項),他接受<洛杉磯每日新聞>訪問時,大談留隊的原因。

他表示如果Mike D’Antoni還在,他不會回來。他不是對D’Antoni不尊敬,但既然他都不適合D’Antoni的系統,又為何要回來?Hill又表示他去年時常在想如何去比賽,但現在Byron Scott對他十分信任,令他可以做回自己。

(“If Mike was here, I wouldn’t be back. That’s the way it was. No disrespect to Mike, but apparently I didn’t fit his system. Why would I come back? Last year, I was thinking too much about playing. If I messed up, I wondered if I would see the floor again. Right now, Byron is relying on me and I’m one of his guys. That really builds more confidence in me to come out this year and play my game.”)

Jordan Hill去年上陣72場,平均上場20.8分鐘,兩項統計均為職業生涯之中最高。似乎他並不是不適合D’Antoni的系統,只是他和D’Antoni溝通出現了問題。


