名帥Larry Brown:76人擺爛令我反胃

還記得Allen Iverson的恩師Larry Brown嗎?他是當年費城76人的教練,也是2004年總冠軍活塞的主帥。最近他接受訪問時,被問到對於費城76人的看法時,他有一番驚人說法。


他繼續道:「我不會這樣做,費城不會輸的。Brett Brown能教導這支球隊,他是Gregg Popovich的其中一個弟子。但現時費城做的事情令人難以置信。費城是世上其中一個熱愛籃球的城市,但現在你要他們的球迷坐下看著球隊輸球。」

(“I hate what’s going on in Philly.“They don’t have a basketball person in the organization. It makes me sick to my stomach….)

(“No, I wouldn’t do it. We wouldn’t lose. Brett Brown can coach, he’s one of Pop’s guys. But what they are doing to that city to me is mind-boggling. That’s the greatest basketball city in the world with its fans and you want them to sit back and watch you lose.”)
然而,費城行政總裁Scott O’Neil 對這番說話進行反擊,他叫大家看看Larry Brown現時所教的大學球隊是什麼成績,才去考慮是否聽從Larry Brown的意見。

(“You know, after seeing Larry Brown’s SMU team in the Final Four this year it was tough to hear those kind of comments. Was he in the Final Four this year?…)

(“How are they doing? How are they gonna be this year?”Nah, you know, I think it’s hard for people not in the market to understand what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. I think the good thing about Philadelphia is that the fans certainly get it.”)

縱然Brown教練的說話多麼的不中聽,但O’Neill的說話相信是自討沒趣。因為在美國籃球界當中,Larry Brwon教練也算是德高望重的人物了。


