2004年,小牛班主Mark Cuban聽從身邊專家意見,讓Steve Nash離開。後者在鳳凰城拿下兩次MVP獎座,卻同時與NBA總決賽無緣。Cuban接受訪問時直接承認,這是他作為班主的最大錯誤。
("Letting Steve Nash go. I learned an expensive lesson. It took me too many years to realize that for some GMs, their number-one job wasn’t winning a championship, it’s keeping their job. It’s easy to look back and see my mistakes today. I wish I would have been smart enough to know better back then. I loved taking risks to win. Unfortunately some of them were not as educated as they should have been.")
另外,在訪問中亦有問到你對快艇前班主Donald Sterling的看法,他表示同情。因為Donald Sterling有關歧視的言論是在自己家中的廚房說的,理應受到私隱保護。