Joe Johnson認為隊友太自私

據<布魯克林比賽>的 Devin Kharpertian報導,籃網得分後衛Joe Johnson對球隊目前的運作不滿意,認為隊友在場上太自私。

這位全明星後衛表示,在防守時他們會互相幫助,可是在進攻上,隊友總是用盡選擇和沒有其他方法的情況下才去選擇傳球。Joe Johnson認為他們的打法太自私。

(“It’s just kind of what it is. Defensively, we help from time to time, offensively, I just think guys kind of exhaust their options and then when there’s nothing else for them, then they’ll pass it when they have to. For the most part, we’ve been very selfish.” )

Joe Johnson認為,季前賽的表現比現在更好,因為那時球的流轉更快更自由。

(“It wasn’t like that in preseason,” Johnson added. “Preseason, the ball moved freely, it just seems like it’s really not doing that right now.)

對於開季打出了4勝2負的成績,Joe Johnson覺得不以為然。他認為開局尚早,而且還沒有與真正的強隊比賽過。

(“I’m not hiding anything. We’re 4-2 six games into the season, but it’s early. We haven’t played anybody, and the Minnesota game (is) obviously a game we should’ve won. I thought this last game that we played against Orlando was almost a carbon copy.”)

過去Joe Johnson也算是一個沉默的球員,似乎籃網內部的變化,也不得不讓他站出來發聲。


