
在公牛對拓荒者的比賽,兩隊在下半場險發生火爆場面。拓荒者在一次進攻中,公牛的Joakim Noah在混亂中倒地,球落在拓荒者的Demian Lillard手上,公牛的Mike Dunleavy為阻止對方出手,竟把Lillard掃跌。

這是一個非必要的暴力犯規,因此拓荒者的Wes Matthews亦立即上前「質問」Dunleavy,雙方險釀成衝突。


"Cheap. It was cheap. I’ve had worse things happen. But that was the last thing I was expecting on a wide-open three-point shot. It was a cheap play. I don’t know what else to say about it. I was surprised. It was kind of funny to me. Because when I was shooting the ball, I saw him coming towards me kind of fast and I was like, ‘He’s not stopping.’ So I kind of let the ball go, I was kind of thrown off when he did it. I fell to the ground and I was like, ‘Did he really just?’ I didn’t understand why. It was cheap. But that’s not something worth my reaction to be all angry. Nothing’s going to happen on the floor anyway."


"I felt bad. (Joakim Noah) went down and it looked like he got hit pretty hard, so I was going to take an intentional foul. Lillard went up to shoot and it was one of those things where I got put in an awkward situation. He was in a shooting motion and at that point, I had to foul him hard because I didn’t want to give up a four-point play. It was just an awkward moment. I was going to take the foul but he was shooting a three, so I just went right through him because I wanted to foul but I didn’t want to give up four points on it. It was sort of helpless on my part. I was going to intentionally foul him because of Jo being on the floor. But he went up to shoot and at that point, what do you do? I’m not going to go for his legs or head. I just kind of go through his body, didn’t want him to make a three. Nice kid. I got nothing against him. It was totally unintentional in terms of trying to hurt or injure somebody. I was just trying to intentionally foul him because Jo was lying in the paint."

Mike Dunleavy 犯規片段:


(影片來源:G4NBAVideos, The Oregonian @ Youtube)

