勇士老闆解釋為何炒掉Mark Jackson,這是真的嗎?

據<灣區內幕>的Diamond Leung報導,本季成績優異的勇士在夏天更換了主帥,而此前一直沒有向外界交代換掉Mark Jackson原因的勇士管理層,終於向外界交代了原因。

勇士老闆之一的Joe Lacob表示,他炒掉Mark Jackson的原因,是因為他沒有請更好的助教,而且在球隊中亦不受歡迎。他表示,他雖然十分尊重Mark Jackson,但他也總不能夠令自己有這麼多人討壓他。

談到新帥Steve Kerr,Lacob很滿意,他認為現在打得很好,而Steve Kerr也做了一件Mark Jackson做不到的事,就是聘請優秀的助教。Kerr聘請了前太陽主教Alvin Gentry作為助手,也聘請了備受推崇的Ron Adams。

引用“Part of it was that he couldn’t get along with anybody else in the organization,” Lacob said. “And look, he did a great job, and I’ll always compliment him in many respects, but you can’t have 200 people in the organization not like you."

“And (Kerr) did the one big thing that I wanted more than anything else from Mark Jackson he just wouldn’t do, in all honesty, which is hire the very best. Carte blanche. Take my wallet. Do whatever it is to get the best assistants there are in the world. Period. End of story. Don’t want to hear it. And (Jackson’s) answer . . . was, ‘Well, I have the best staff.’ No you don’t. And so with Steve, very, very different.”

“We’re on top of the world right now. If we lose in the first round of the playoffs, I am going to be crap (to the public).”

此前,勇士一直沒有解釋炒掉Mark Jackson的原因。只是,去季曾透露,若Mark Jackson帶領不到勇士打出更好成績,他將會被辭退。而季尾正當Jackson準備被炒掉的時候,主將Stephen Curry和David Lee也帶同全隊上下,向管理層發表希望Jackson留下的訊息。所以,Lacob表示Mark Jackson不受球隊歡迎,卻是充滿著疑點。


