
聯盟中除了騎士外,紐約人現時的士氣也跌至低谷。可是隊中主力Carmelo Anthony仍沒有放棄,而他對於主帥Derek Fisher,更表現百分百信任。

據<ESPN>的 Ramona Shelburne報導,紐約人在近20場比賽中輸了19場比賽,主帥Derek Fisher的能力受到質疑。不過Melo認為,若果不是Fisher,球隊早已經崩潰了。他認為Fisher一直讓球員保持專注,也一直讓球員相信自己在做的事。

引用"I think if it was anybody else in his position, I think this probably would've crumbled already.I think he's doing a great job of keeping everybody focused on the task at hand and believing in what we're trying to do."


"I don't really like doing the New Year's resolution, but I just want 2015 to be better than 2014. We've got to find a win. We can't be thinking about the turnaround. We've got to find a win first and see what happens from there."


引用"I'm playing because I love to play and I want to play. I know what I can tolerate and what I can't tolerate. The games I feel like I can't tolerate it, I'm not going to play."


