Pau Gasol表示Howard在火箭的進攻角色不如在湖人時期

據<休斯頓紀事報>報導,在火箭作客公牛,今季才由湖人加盟公牛的Pau Gasol接受訪問時表示,前湖人隊友、現火箭球星Dwight Howard在球隊中所扮演的進攻角色不如在湖人這麼重要。

Pau Gasol表示,Howard現時在火箭的內線進攻不如在湖人時般具侵略性,不過他認為與Howard的能力無關,這是因為火箭在其他位置人,有著強力的火力。他認為Howard在內線持球的機會少了,但Gasol仍然認為Howard是個能左右比賽結果的內線球員。

引用“I haven’t really kept an eye on him. I think the team has more weapons now. We’ll see. I watched a couple games of him. He doesn’t seem to be as aggressive in the post or get as many touches as he used to be maybe, but he’s always a big factor in the games. He’s capable of having huge nights.”

引用“You have to make sure you get your body in front him, make it tough, make him shoot over the top of you, keep him out of the paint. I think that’s the key with him.”

至於Howard,他對今季平均拿下18分和11.2個籃板的Pau Gasol讚賞有加。在進攻端,Howard認為Gasol是一個很好的終結者,而在防守上出色的封阻,也令對方球員難以進入公牛的三秒區。Howard也表示他很享受看Pau Gasol的比賽。

引用“He’s been playing grea. I like what he’s doing on the offensive end when he gets the ball. On the defensive end he’s blocking shots and making it tough for guys to score in the paint. He’s one of those guys who can give you 20 and 10 every night because he has all the skills, rebounding, can score from anywhere on the perimeter, can score in the post. It’s fun to watch him play, but it’s also fun to play against him.”


