公牛近況欠佳,教練與Pau Gasol齊聲炮轟防守不濟


縱使Derrick Rose今仗復出,拿下了18分及7個助攻。而Pau Gasol也拿下了28分及14個籃板,但球隊仍然無法勝出。最主要原因,不是因為公牛隊的進攻出現了問題,而是防守。

魔術在今場賽事創出了本季的命中率新高,接近6成。面對球隊糟糕的表現,公牛教練Tom Thibodeau表示,現在公牛隊的防守欠佳,球隊必須增加強度。他亦表示,說話總比行動來得容易,但他們必須作出改善,在NBA裡沒有任何捷徑。

引用"We have got to decided what we want to be. If we are going to come in and just try to outscore people then you are never going to win. I know that. So we are going to have to bring more intensity and the only way to bring more intensity is to work harder. It's really that simple."

"You can't talk about it, you have to do it - that is what we have to get back to."

"There is no short cuts in this, this league is a tough league and if you want to do something special then there is a serious price to pay and there is no way of getting around it. It's really that simple."

很明顯,對於重視球隊防守的Tim Thibodeau確實不能容忍球隊的表現。而新加盟的Pau Gasol,對球隊也有一番意見。Pau Gasol認為球隊防守的表現確實糟糕。他認為球隊打來沒有能量,也沒有侵略性和沒有做好溝通。他希望球隊能改善防守,這樣可以令球隊變得扎實,發揮得更穩定。

引用"Defensively we struggled. There was no energy, no aggressiveness, no engagement from our team, no communication. It’s something we need to be more solid, more consistent with. (Defense) has to be our stamp. Defensively we need to be better."



