(影片)Andre Miller不言退,他是控衛的低位進攻教科書!

除非Ray Allen或Mike James回到NBA比賽,否則現年38歲的Andre Miller,仍然會是今季NBA中最年長的球員。


引用“I’d like to say that’s my mentality,” Miller said of playing until the wheels come off. “But I’m preparing for the day the ball stops rolling and bouncing. I know I will eventually have to do something else. I’d like to keep saying, yes, I can keep going but you never know how thing play out.”


“I would like to close it out here. I’m just enjoying this [success] and taking it one game at a time. Putting all my effort into practices and getting the most out of myself as far as being a team player."

“So I haven’t really thought about my contract situation. But of course I will continue to play next year barring any injuries. So let’s see what happens this summer.”

去季在John Wall休息時,Andre Miller後板凳出來總能作個稱職的後場司令。個人數字方面,他今季平均只上場12.6分鐘,但他仍交出4分、3個助攻的成績,而命中率更接近6成,失誤也不足1個。

Andre Miller在NBA歷來助攻王中排第9,是個經驗老到的控球後衛。或者他因過去的傷患和年紀漸老而失去活力,但他在巫師陣中,仍然是控球復衛John Wall的良好指導者。

其實,上個年代,Andre Miller和已退休的Chauncey Billups一樣,是個低位進攻非常出色的控球後衛。現在我們也看看他的精彩進攻片段吧:

Andre Miller低位進攻片段:

Andre Miller其他進攻雜錦片段:

(影片來源:Lucas Shapiro, Evin Gualberto, Rajan Bansal@ Youtube)

