Reggie Jackson理解自己的處境

雷霆後備控球後衛Reggie Jackson將在本季後成為受限制自由球員,而Jackson一方面希望能擔任正選,一方面也希望爭取一份類似Eric Bledsoe的1400美元年薪的合約。然而,雷霆大約只願意出價1200萬美元,因此雙方一直就續約問題未能達成任何共識。

隨著Dion Waiters在本月初加盟,Jackson上陣的時間也明顯減少,由此前的場均28分鐘,到現在只有20分鐘。因此,Jackson對於雷霆來說,已繳成雞肋了。為了避免暑假後失去Jackson(當然雷霆可以匹配任何報價),最近一直有傳言指雷霆將會在交易限期前把Jackson送走。


引用"My ultimate goal is always to win a championship ... (but) whatever is the next move is the next move.”

“I'm just going to be here and be the best player I can be, day in and day out. When I go on the court I hope it shows. I want to compete at the highest level, always trying to get better. But if you have to move, it is what it is.”

"It's funny. I don't think the league likes to hear when players say that we understand it's a business, but for (general managers) and owners they get to throw that card around. Like I said, I always understand that it's a possibility, but I just enjoy playing the game."




