Dwight Howard表示他的傷患將困擾著他整季賽事

雖然經歷過季初的一輪休養後,Dwight Howard最近在場上慢慢重拾狀態。但他最近接受訪問時表示,右膝的傷患仍困擾著他。


引用“I am getting there. Each day is different but I just try to play as hard as I can for as long as I can. I want to make sure that come playoff time, I will be 100 percent. Right now, I want to give my team everything I have.”

而教練Kevin McHale也充滿信心,認為Howard現時狀態不俗,能搶下每個籃板,而且在進攻上也能破壞對方防守,製造了很多犯規機會。

“Dwight got every rebound out there which was fantastic. We found him a little bit in the offense but not a ton. He got fouled a lot around the basket. He dominated the defensive glass.”

過去兩三個球季,Dwight Howard一直受到傷患困擾。儘管他在內線仍有很大的統治力,但他的彈跳能力和封阻能力,以不如在魔術時期效力的他。


