Cuban:明星賽球迷投票制度完全失敗│小牛主教練支持Monta Ellis入選

2015全明星賽投票已經完成,東西岸兩隊正選名單亦已公佈。而已現在的勢頭,小牛即使已經取得超過30場勝仗,他們亦有可能沒有任何球員入選本屆的全明星賽事。對此,小牛班主Mark Cuban顯然不滿。

據ESPN的Time MacMahon報導,他指出現時全球有這麼多的觀眾,也有這麼多的投票方法,可是票王卻只有150萬票,明顯球迷並不熱衷於這個制度。他直言反應冷淡亦令情況變得尷尬,現今的投票制求是完全的失敗。


引用"In context of everything, that's no votes. That's such a small number considering all the different options you have to vote that it's almost embarrassing. It's just no one's really looked at it that way. ... I mean, think about it. "

"Of all the people who go to games, all the people who watch games globally, to have [1.5] million means that system's broken. Absolutely, positively broken."

S---, nobody even tried to hack it. That's how bored they are."

"So, yeah, I think it's time to do away with it because we're just not getting the response that matters. I don't know how votes have trended in terms of numbers versus past years, but it's obviously not something that fans really care about."

顯然,Mark Cuban對於現今制度令一些小牛球員無法入選全明星賽而不滿。他曾認為,Monta Ellis和Tyson Chandler憑今季的表現,值得入選全明星賽。

而教練Rick Carlisle亦同意Ellis值得入選的看法,Carlisle認為Ellis已經成為球隊的領袖,表示有目共睹,Ellis值得入選全明星賽。

引用"I think Monta Ellis is the most deserving based on how he continues to elevate his game"

"Each year with us, his defense is a bigger factor. He’s become a leader. … The evidence is all there."

"Monta Ellis deserves to be an All-Star. Tweet that."


