Pau Gasol認為,弟弟Marc Gasol會以得到總冠軍的機會來決定前途問題

Pau Gasol在最近一次訪問中談及了由湖人加盟公牛的看法。而在訪問中,他也提及了弟弟Marc Gasol的去留問題。

現效力灰熊的Marc Gasol將於季尾成為完全自由球員,他的去留將成為各支球隊關注的目標。兩支大城市球會紐約人和洛杉磯湖人也被傳對他產生強烈興趣。然而,除了Marc Gasol本人曾表明喜歡孟菲斯這地方外,他的兄長Pau Gasol也在訪問中透露了一些對這兩支球會不利的消息。

Pau 認為,Marc希望奪得NBA總冠軍,這也是Marc視為最重要的東西。他不知道湖人下年有沒有競逐總冠軍的能力,但他認為灰熊已經是一支很好的球隊而Marc也有機會留下。

引用"Marc wants to win a championship."

"That's what he's looking for. That's what's most important to him. I don't know if you think the Lakers will be in a position to win a championship next year or not.”

"But he knows what he'll be looking for as a free agent—or maybe he'll stay in Memphis because they have built a very good team already there with some very good pieces. He'll know what he wants, and he will be ready to make his decision."



