
NBA全明星賽後備名單已公佈,而Kobe Bryant受傷後,他的位置亦由帝王的DeMarcus Cousins補上,原因是這名帝王中鋒,在教練的得票中,是落選者之中最高。

可是,Demian Lillard感到不被尊重,因為他認為他打出很好的表現,不但在個人做得很出色,而且他自問相當無私,協助了隊友且為球隊取得勝利。

引用“I just felt disrespected, because I play the game the right way. I play unselfishly. I play for my team to win games and I produce at a high level. I think what I bring to the game as a person, my makeup mentally, how I am towards my teammates, how I am towards the media, how I am towards fans, I think what an All-Star represents in this league and what you would want people to look at as an All-Star, I think I makeup all those things…."

“I thought I did all that I could do individually,” Lillard said. “I thought my team has been successful. It was something that I can’t control. Everything thing I can control to give myself the best shot, I did.”


他說他感謝那些認為他還不夠好的教練、球迷和主席Adam Silver。他說這種情況對他來說並不陌生,原因是他我一生都在被這種情緒所鼓舞。他不會說他不失望或不被尊重,因為那一定是在說謊。不過他認為這沒有什麼大不了的,因為他我不是第一個或是最後一個被冷落的人。

引用"I just want to thank the coaches who feel I wasn’t good enough, the fans that didn’t think I was good enough , and Adam Silver also for not thinking I was good enough. This isn’t unfamiliar territory for me , it’s actually what my life has been inspired by. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed or that I don’t feel disrespected but it’s not too much to handle. Not the first or last guy to be snubbed. “You should have been there” isn’t good enough for me. But anyway, The reason I’m in these shoes is because I’ve always use the hand I was dealt to my advantage… A wise man once told me… ” it ain’t always gone be peaches and cream but somebody has to pay for the reason it’s not … One way or another ” … #ImThankful #Real #NonAllStar #RipCity #YellowTape

此外,也有不少NBA球星為他抱不平,例如勇士的Draymond Green和活塞的Brandon Jennings。



(影片來源:Basketball Nation @ Youtube)

