Pau Gasol感謝球迷支持,感激Kobe完成手術後也來迎接他

在昨天湖人對公牛的比賽,Pau Gasol離隊後,首次回到洛杉磯作賽。賽前,湖人播放了歡迎Pau Gasol的短片,而全場身穿"Thanks Pau" T-Shirt的球迷也熱烈歡迎Pau Gasol的到來。(延伸閱讀: Pau Gasol回到洛杉磯倒戈出戰湖人,受到球迷熱烈歡迎 )

對此,Pau Gasol在賽後表示,球迷的行動令他很感動,也使他一開始無法集中精神比賽。不過他衷心感謝球隊和球迷的支持。

引用“I was a bit overwhelmed. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, so it was emotional. You always have a welcome appreciation for that kind of support and love. I’m very thankful to the fans that I played in front of for so many years. We went through so much here.”

而好友Kobe Bryant在手術後翌日也來到史達普斯中心與Pau Gasol見面。Pau Gasol表示,他很感激Kobe Bryant來看他,因為他知道Kobe剛完成手術,Kobe這樣做一份驚喜的小禮物。


引用“I really appreciate him coming, I didn’t expect it at all. I know he just had surgery, I think it’s just an incredible gesture on his part to want to come and say hello…."

“He just had surgery, he was in pain, I told him to go rest, get out of here. It was a great surprise to see him. We’ll talk.”

Pau Gasol離開湖人後,今季在公牛表現出色,不少球迷也記掛著他。而他和Kobe之間的友情,亦感動了不少球迷。


