Blake Griffin解釋他扣籃減少的原因

無可否認,快艇的Blake Griffin比起他初初加入NBA之時,面框進攻的能力進步了很多。他在射球、運球和傳球方面也有所進步。


Blake Griffin解釋,他當初加入NBA的時候,在比賽中過份依賴他的身體質素。所以當年到了2月的時候,便會感到異常疲倦。

My first few years in the league, I was relying on my athleticism to get me by, because that’s what got me to the NBA. The problem with that is, you end up getting really, really tired by February. My rookie year I tried to get out of bed on a road trip near the end of the season and I was like, Am I physically able to walk right now? I went out on the floor that night and ran up and down just trying to look like a real NBA human.

其實,Blake Griffin的解釋相當合理。不論對其身體狀況也好,對他在NBA發展也好,他也不能過份依賴自己的身體質素。在NBA,增加各種進攻手段也是有所必要,而且保持良好體力以應付整個賽季也是為球隊著想。最重要的是,這樣也可以延長其職業生涯。


