
上半季,巫師的Marcin Gortat剪了一個Mohawk (莫霍克)的髮型。可是近日他卻把他剪了,變回昔日的剃髮造型。




引用I don’t think it will happen for the next few months. Maybe, maybe in the summer. Not now. Trust me, it takes a lot of time. Every two, three days, an hour and a half to shave it, trim it, fix it and I don’t have time for that. I’m laughing at people that are fixing haircuts before the games and trying to be pretty and stuff. Actually I became one of them. I’m definitely sick of that. I don’t want to wake up everyday and spend 10-15 minutes to put the spikes up. I’m done with that. I feel very comfortable being bald right now. A lot of ladies say I look worse but who cares.

在NBA中,最花時間打理的,可以說是Allen Iverson和Ben Wallace的辮子頭了。據說他們每一至兩星期才會把辮子拆掉,然後打理及重新梳起。

