Paul George 網上留言露玄機?Bird指George健康和溜馬能打入季後賽,將讓他復出比賽


Paul George於今天較早時間,在Twitter上留言道”March?!”後,引來各方的猜測,因為眾人也估計這是否意味著Paul George將於3月復出。

溜馬總裁Larry Bird指出,Paul George的狀況一星期比一星期好。不過Paul George能否復出,也要經過球會與他商討。而且也要視乎球隊有沒有機會打進季後賽。
引用"I'm always in a win-now mode. I want to win and that's been my goal, to try to get into the playoffs,"

"Hopefully, down the road, we'll see where Paul's at. We still have no idea whether he's coming back or not, but it seems like every week he's getting better and better. If we do have an opportunity to get into the playoffs and he can get some games under his belt and (then) get ready to go next year (then we could play him)."

"I always say if the player is ready to play, he's got to play,"

"We're not going to hold (George) back if he's able to go out there and play. I think it's important because when you're out like that, you lose something. He's going to get beat up, he's going to get knocked around, he's not going to look good but I still think it's important, if he's able to play, he should be out there."

自從8月1 日後嚴重受傷,一般估計Paul George的賽季將會報銷。可是他的康復程況良好,一直有傳媒猜測他將會季尾復出。而Larry Bird接受訪問時承認Paul George復出的可能性,也是溜馬官方首次有消息指George可於本季復出。

不過,教練Frank Vogel表示,他不相信Paul George將於本季內復出。


過去幾個月,溜馬一直表示不急於Paul George復出,以視對方長遠健康著想為大前提。



