
自上任教練Mark Jackson離隊,勇士主將Stephen Curry一直沒有作出任何回應。但近日他接受訪問時,終於談及有關教練轉換的看法。

去季7場系列賽敗給快艇後,Curry和隊友馬上要求球隊留住Jackson。可是一切並非如他所願。三天之後,勇士把Jackson 裁掉。Curry表示十分失望,因為過去幾年間,Jackson 一直教曉他很多東西,伴著他一起成長。而且他們一起帶領勇士,由一支樂透球會,一起贏得超過50場比賽,帶領勇士打入季後賽。不過,Curry也明白,作為球員,他們無法控制太多事情。

"He (Jackson) did a lot for me as a player. Instilled a lot of confidence. A lot of growth, on and off the court. For me, he embodied success with the Warriors organization. We changed the culture from a being a lottery team to winning 50 games, consecutive playoff appearances ... when you have a relationship with a coach on and off the court, it's tough to see that end, especially coming off the season that we had.
"It was just tough ... Me personally, I didn't think it would go down like that. But as players, it's not in our control. Obviously, I had a reaction to it but as players you got to move on."

不過,勇士在新任教練Steve Kerr帶領下,取得了球會開季史上最佳成績,而且Curry也成為明星賽的票王。

對此,Curry表示雖然他和Jackson 關係良好,但不得不承認Kerr 教練把勇士帶進一個新方向。而他也表示,Kerr 帶來了少改變,帶領球隊取得進步。而Curry也表示,他很樂意聽從Kerr的說話。


或許Jackson種樹,Kerr乘涼,但Kerr 和Curry等球隊上下,明白互相尊重和信任之道,或許是勇士取得成功的原因。

