籃網教練:Kevin Garnett應入選明星賽

全明星賽雙方陣容名單於早前公佈,正選、後備陣容分別由球迷和教練投票而組成。而總裁Adam Silver則有權作受傷替補的揀選。

不過,籃網主教練Lionel Hollins認為,這個陣容結構外應再有多一個名額,就是終生成就。因為隊中的Kevin Garnett正打上職業生涯第20個賽事,他應該獲得尊重。

Hollins認為,聯盟主席應該有權選擇三位球員,揀選像Tim Duncan、Kevin Garnett等過去為聯盟貢獻不少的球星入選明星賽,讓他們體驗更多參與全明星賽的機會。

引用"I think that more than expanding the All-Star to a larger roster, is that you still have the fan vote, you still have the coach’s vote, and then the commissioner gets to add three guys,"

"I think a guy like Tim Duncan, and Kevin Garnett, who helped build this league and sustain this league, when they get to the end, they should have the opportunity to be a part of the All-Star experience."

Kevin Garnett在高峰時期也是全明星賽的常客,而且也是前鋒類別中的票王。不過隨著年紀老退,表現已不復當年勇。然而,他和Dirk Nowitzki等球星在NBA累積了不少球迷,這建議也容易被球迷接受。



