Barkley :J.R. Smith在騎士變好是因為他離開了一班蠢材
據<ESPN>報導,人們認為J.R. Smith在騎士的復甦,是因為不用再打三角戰術。可是名宿Charles Barkley 卻有不同的見解,主要的原因,是因為J.R. Smith離開了紐約人一班愚蠢的隊友。
Barkley認為,J.R. Smith是一個跟隨者,若他身旁的是好球員,他也會變得更好。然而若安放在紐約這種滿佈愚材的地方,那J.R. Smith也會變成一個蠢材。
引用“I looked at J.R. Smith like this: I look at him as a follower. And I told Coach [David Blatt] that. He’s a guy if you put him around good people, he’s going to play well. If you put him around those idiots in New York, he’s going to be an idiot.”
引用“Every time he played well in New York, they had a good team. And when things go bad, they had him on a team with some boneheads. And he’s a follower. He’s not a bad kid, but he’s a follower.”
J.R. Smith本季在紐約人的時期,場均只得10.9分0.8次偷球。而在交易到騎士之後,便提升到13.1分和1.6次。雖然整體命中率沒有提高,但他加盟騎士後三分起手次數多了,而他的兩分球命中率則提升了10%