Magic Johnson:今個夏天對湖人來說非常重要;應該把Kobe Bryant送走

前湖人名宿Magic Johnson接受了ESPN的訪問,表示今年夏天將對洛杉磯湖人來說非常重要,尤其是對班主 Jim Buss影響重大。


此外,Magic Johnson再一次質疑Jim Buss的能力。他認為Jim Buss的父親過去已證明了自己能夠好好營運球隊。可是Jim Buss卻沒有遠見,只是一直想證明自己的能力。在處理Kobe Bryant的續約事情上,只知道用4800萬美元留下Kobe,而不是遊說Kobe減薪和簽下更好的自由球員。

引用“His father was smart enough to understand that, you know what? I can own the team, but i don’t have the basketball expertise to make those decisions, so let me bring in Jerry West, one of the best — if not the best — mind in basketball, to make basketball decisions. Then he consulted guys like myself, right? ‘Hey, what do you think about this, Magic? If we trade for this guy, what does that mean for our team,’ right?”

“Guess what Jim’s doing? Trying to do it himself. Trying to prove to everybody that this was the right decision that my dad gave me the reins and he’s not consulting anybody. That can’t help him achieve his goals and dreams, which is to win an NBA championship.”

“You know Kobe wasn’t going to turn that $48 million down, but Jim didn’t give him a reason. There was no plan in place to say ‘Ok, Kobe, if you take less, i can sign so and so.’ There was no plan, and so Kobe said well, ok, let me take this contract. Because we’re not going to be good.”

最後,Magic Johnson提到,他認為球隊應該用一個正確的方式,把Kobe Bryant送走。因為今個對湖人來說是一個非常重要的時刻,湖人有必要簽下大名,和理想的選秀權。

引用“So this is the biggest summer to me of Laker history right now. We must be back relevant by signing a big free agent and get a good draft pick. Send Kobe out the right way. This is his last season, next season.”

或許,大部分湖人球迷都會同意Magic Johnson對班主Jim Buss的看法。可是,對於Kobe的處理和重建時間,相信會引起了一番討論。因為有不少球迷和專家認為,湖人放眼於2016年的自由市場,因為不論是Kobe在那年退役也好,還是該年有像Kevin Durant和LeBron James的大名也好,對湖人來說才是重要時刻。

至於Kobe Bryant,未知道他被自己童年偶像Magic Johnson如此說,又會有什麼看法呢。


