
火箭總經理Daryl Morey於Twitter上留言指,名人堂球星兼評術員Charles Barkley於節目中總是把錯誤的信息、偏見和刻薄偽裝成娛樂。Barkley得悉後十分氣慣,作出了一系列激烈的回應。



引用"First of all, I've always believed analytics was crap. You know I never mention the Rockets as legitimate contenders 'cause they're not."

"Analytics don't work at all. It's just some crap that people who were really smart made up to try to get in the game because they had no talent. Because they had no talent to be able to play, so smart guys wanted to fit in, so they made up a term called analytics. Analytics don't work.”

"What analytics did the Miami Heat have? What analytics did the Chicago Bulls have? What analytics do the Spurs have? They have the best players, coaching staffs who make players better.”

“I'm not worried about Daryl Morey. He's one of those idiots who believes in analytics.”


引用"[They're the worst team defensively] among teams that are going to make the playoffs. They're awful defensively. “

"Just because you've got good stats, doesn't mean you're a good team defense. They're not a good defensive team. They gave up 118 points [in a 127-118 road win over Phoenix earlier in the night]. No good team gives up 118 points.”


引用"All these guys who run these organizations who talk about analytics, they have one thing in common: They're a bunch of guys who ain't never played the game, they never got the girls in high school, and they just want to get in the game."



(影片來源:watchnba201415 @ Youtube)

