(已更新)兩大名星前鋒去向:Jermaine O'Neal暫不復出,Stoudemire承諾加盟小牛
自小牛把Brandon Wright送走,換來Rajon Rondo後,他們一直希望在自由市場上尋找一名內線球員作為Tyson Chandler的替補。
去年在勇士也是作為替補內線的Jermaine O’Neal,一直是小牛羅致的目標。可是,他在Instagram發佈了一個新的貼文,告訴大家自己的身體狀況並未充份好再次踏上比賽場上,短期內也不會復出。
引用I'm not sure if there will ever be another time or not for me and basketball but what I do know at this moment is the time isn't right for me to play now. But just know I gave everything I had these last 7 weeks and I greatly appreciate each and every one of you guys for the positive words of encouragement thru my process......
至於剛被紐約人買斷合約的Amar’e Stoudemire,據報導,Stoudemire由傾向加盟,變成承諾加盟小牛了。現時只待星期三,當沒有球隊購買其原有合約,Stoudemire便可正式加盟小牛。
對於小牛來說,Stoudemire將是一個強力替補,現時在Tyson Chandler的缺陣下,他們只得起用Greg Smith,甚至要把 Dirk Nowitzki 推上中鋒位置。