76人總經理解釋交易Michael Carter-Williams的原因

費城76人在交易死線前,把陣中的上季最佳新人Michael Carter-Williams交易至公鹿,引來不少批評。因為他們換來的,只是一個湖人本季的首輪選秀權(頭5位保護、未來兩年頭3位保護)

在記者會中,76人的總經理Sam Hinkie解釋了這次交易的原因。他指出在市場上很難得到一些這麼高順位的選秀權,而76人一直視選秀為建立球隊的最佳方式。

引用“It is impossibly hard to get your hands on a pick that at least has the chance to be a high lottery pick. It’s very rare that they move and because of that, we considered it and decided it was the best way to move our program forward.”

他認為問題並不是在於Michael Carter-Williams本身,他認為對方仍然會有很美好的將來,把對方交易是一個非常艱難的決定。

引用“It’s not about Michael at all. I think Michael has a very bright future in this league, and I think will do quite well and we wish him the best. It’s still necessary for someone to look at the tough decisions we have to make to try to move our program forward.”

不過最令76人球迷感到困惑的,是球隊把K.J McDaniels這位今季表現令人驚喜的球員交易掉,從火箭換來了Isaiah Canaan和一個次輪選秀權。


引用“We traded K.J., who we are proud of, who we got in the 30s and we got back a mid-30s in the past and a mid-30s in the future. In the end it came down to a trade we felt we had to do and it came down to the last four minutes.”

