籃網教練:關鍵時刻由Jack處理,而不是Joe Johnson

過往,不論在鷹隊,還是現時在籃網,Joe Johnson也會是關鍵時刻的第一選擇。可是今個球季,特別是Jarrett Jack射入了兩個絕殺球後,這情況似乎有了改變。

據Andy Vasquez報導,Lionel Hollins承認了Jack才是籃網在關鍵時刻的首選。在美國時間星期五一役,Jack再次得到絕殺的機會,而Joe Johnson卻坐在板凳。那球Jack不入,Hollins回應指,Jack的出手理想,只是不入而已。假若球進了,就沒有人會質疑自己的決定,並明白為何他讓Jack處理了。

引用“I knew Jarrett was going to shoot the ball.

I got asked that last night. It doesn’t matter [who was in the game]. We could have put four people in the stands; Jarrett was going to shoot the ball. If I run a pick and roll for Jarrett he’s going to shoot the ball and he got a good shot and he missed it. It went in and out. If it goes in, you guys aren’t standing here asking me who gets the last shot.”
對於Joe Johnson一直處理絕殺球,Hollins不以為然,認為而家事情有了改變。
引用“Why do you think Joe should take the final shot all the time, because he’s been doing it?

Tradition? And why you let them tear down that [old] building and put a parking lot? … You don’t go to fight for that [expletive]. Things change.”




(影片來源:TheBrooklynGame@ Youtube)
