
早前,Rajon Rondo因與教練Rick Carlisle發生爭執而被罰停賽,再加上他自交易至小牛後,一直無法打出最佳水準。最近,他接受了<Yahoo體育>的Marc Spears訪問,大談他在小牛的日子。


引用"First of all, I'm misunderstood in general. I don't mind because I'm very quiet and I stay to myself. People are going to say what they want to say. I don't talk, so I don't know why they would say that. I don't think I play as if I don't want to be here. I give it all when I'm out there on the court.
I'm always in communication trying to learn and get better and learn what's better for the team. All I care about is winning. I made a lot of sacrifices, I believe, coming here. I try to give up the ball and move without the ball a lot more. It's hard to adjust. But for the sake of the team to win that's what I'm trying to."


引用"I love it here. I don't dislike anything. I'm not uncomfortable. Of course, the system is different, but I've been here for two months. It's going to take time. Hopefully, sooner rather than later."

另外,他在訪問中也提及,他很喜歡小牛的隊友,Dirk Nowitzki很有趣,Monta Ellis就好像他的兄弟般。他亦為隊友也沒有不喜歡他,因為他認為自己所作的也是為球隊著想。而他自己也純粹做回自己而已。

引用"Dirk [Nowitzki] is funny as hell. Monta [Ellis] is like my brother. We're close. In the morning we go to practice as a team. It's a great group of guys. There are not too many knuckleheads like me."
"Honestly, when guys are playing with me and are in the locker room, I don't think you would find too many guys who would have something negative to say about me. I'm always for the team. I always try to do the little things that come natural. I don't try to fit in or anything."

