在上個月舉行的全明星週末派對,NBA已靜靜地試驗在球衣上加入廣告元素。NBA主席Adam Silver表示,在花式入樽大賽當中,每一位參賽者的球衣上,都印有贊助商Sprite的標誌。而有趣的是,這個小動作幾乎沒有任何人發現。Silver認為,這是一個非常好的方法,來增加贊助商的價值而又不破壞球衣的美感。
引用During the slam dunk competition on Saturday night of All-Star Weekend, all the contestants were wearing a Sprite logo on their jersey. It was fascinating to me it got almost no attention. That goes to show that, while I understand what the notion of NASCAR-like uniform conjures in fans, there is a tasteful way to have relatively small branding added to the jerseys that would provide additional value to our sponsors and the league.