Amar’e Stoudemire:我來是為了勝利

Amar’e Stoudemire本來可以不用加盟小牛,留在紐約人渡過餘下賽事,在夏季成為自由身後才慢慢選擇球隊。可是,他在明星賽期間遊說了紐約人,與對方買斷了合約,放棄了250萬美元,加盟小牛這支他認為有實力的球隊。

引用“I came here to win, and we’re [4 ½] games out of being out of the playoffs, which is unacceptable. This is something we can’t accept. We’ve got to find a way to refocus. We’ve got to key into the details of the game of basketball.

We can’t cheat the game. We can’t screw around in games and practices and joke around all the time and figure we’re going to win games. This is the pros. It’s the highest level of basketball. We’ve got to act that way.”


