
在季前,因背部受傷而賽季報銷的兩屆常規賽MVP、湖人球星Steve Nash,在今個球季一直讓不少人誤解,認為他從不親臨為球隊打氣,也亦為他因貪婪而沒有退役。可是,據記者Kevin Ding報導,原來Steve Nash沒有宣佈退役,是因為湖人要求他不要這樣做。


引用The only reason Nash isn’t retired from basketball already, having put it all behind him, is so he could try to help the Lakers.

Nash was ready to call it a career before the season. After deep soul-searching to accept his body does not belong in an official NBA uniform any longer, he wasn’t just out for the season.

He was, and is, done.
The Lakers asked Nash not to announce anything, according to team sources. They hoped they could trade Nash’s $9.7 million salary, not only an expiring contract but also a giant coupon for another club to take and immediately save real dollars via insurance, to get a building block for the Lakers’ future.


其實,Steve Nash有空的時間,也會指導湖人的年輕球員,Jordan Clarkson便是例子。Clarkson認為,Nash的指導時間雖然不多,但他獲益實在不少。

至於教練Byron Scott,他希望今個球季讓Steve Nash上陣部分賽事,希望對方在球迷心中,留下美好印象。

去年春天,Steve Nash親口承認他不退役是因為為了金錢,“I’m not going to retire because I want the money.” 。

不過,事實是怎樣我們或許不了解,不過湖人上下也希望Steve Nash能在球迷面前,留下美好印象。而事實也是,Nash已回不了從前。

