Pat Riley談及對LeBron James離開的看法,表示現今球員不像當年天勾和魔術手般團結

Pat Riley談及對LeBron James離開的看法,並表示當年天勾和魔術手也沒有選擇離開

近日,邁阿密熱火總裁Pat Riley接受訪問,當中特別談及了他對LeBron James於去年夏天離開球隊的看法。R

LeBron離開後,現時熱火由東岸冠軍跌至現時處於季後賽邊緣,記者問Pat Riley的信心有否受到動搖。Riley斬釘截鐵的說沒有。不過,他說他與教練 Erik Spoelstra和球迷等也感到非常失望。

"No. Just disappointed. Disappointed for Erik [Spoelstra] and for Micky [Arison] and for our fans. Really disappointed."

Riley承認,LeBron James的離開對他們受到衝擊。不過他認為得到Josh McRoberts和Luil Deng,再加上原有的Chris Bosh、Dwyane Wade和Mario Chalmers等人,他認為球隊仍很有競爭力。

引用"Obviously, the hit we took with LeBron [James] leaving just crushed us. Everybody. It just did. But I thought getting Josh [McRoberts] and getting [Luol Deng], especially those two players, to go with Chris [Bosh] and Dwyane [Wade] and Mario [Chalmers], that we could [compete]. And then, make the plan for 2016, even though I wasn't gonna wait if I could get a guy like Goran [Dragic].”

Riley認為,LeBron James的離開令他感到震驚。他坦承自己不明白現時球員的想法,因為他認為從前的球隊總能團結在一起,「天勾」Kareem Abdul-Jabbar和「魔術手」Magic Johnson也曾成為過自由球員,但他們從沒有離開。

引用"That was almost shocking to me that the players would allow that to happen. And I'm not just saying LeBron. I mean, the players, themselves, would allow them to get to a state where a guy would want to go home or whatever it is.”

"So maybe I'm dealing with a contemporary attitude today of, 'Well, I got four years here, and I think I'll go up there for whatever reason I went.' You know, the whole 'home' thing, I understand that. But what he had here, and what he had developed here, and what he could have developed over the next five or six years here, with the same team, could have been historic. And usually teams from inside…"

"It would be like Magic and Kareem and [James] Worthy, they weren't going to go anywhere. They had come at a time when there were free agents. They weren't going to go. You think Magic was going to leave Kareem? You think Kareem was going to leave Magic? You think Worthy was going to leave either one of those guys, or [Byron] Scott or [Michael] Cooper? No, they knew they had a chance to win every year. And this team had a chance every year. So that was shocking to me that it happened. Now, could we have done more? Could they have done more?"

最後,Riley承認,若LeBron James沒有離開熱火,熱火仍然會是東岸冠軍。但他現在沒有多想,認為球隊仍有Chris Bosh、Dwyane Wade,與及一些年輕球員。

