教練著重種子排名,LeBron James則在意其他東西

在騎士負給熱火後,教練David Blatt接受訪問時表時,他在意的是球隊能否以第二名完成常規賽。可是,對LeBron James來說,種子排名不是這麼在意,他在意的是另外的東西。

LeBron James表示,他重來不會為種子排名而作戰,他只在意自己在常規賽後,能否預備好迎戰季後賽。他認為只要進入季後賽,他就自信鹿擊敗任何球隊。

引用“The coaching staff, if that’s what they want, but for me, I never play for seeding. I just play.”

“And wherever at the end of the season we land, I’m ready. Just get me in the playoffs. Get me in the playoffs, I feel like I can win on anybody’s floor. I feel like I can win at home. I’m that confident in my ability and our team’s ability. So I’ve never in my 12-year career played for seeding. That’s just not how I work.”

被問到他有什麼不同的目標時,LeBron James認為他最重要的目標是健康和球隊的化學作用,這對他們備戰季後賽是相當重要的。


“Health and chemistry. We got to continue to build our chemistry. We’re a young group, as far as cohesiveness on the floor. So we got to continue to build that, and we got to be healthy during the playoffs.”

其實,Blatt和LeBron James可以並存。作為下半季表現最理想的球隊之一,騎士現時排在第二位,領先第三位的速龍兩場、公牛兩場半和巫師三場。只要球隊發揮理想下,LeBron James可以在得到休息的情況下,騎士也能保著第二種子的排名。

