與在籃網時大不同,Jason Kidd不介意公鹿近況低迷


自全明星賽後,公鹿自送走Brandon Knight,得到Michael Carter-Williams後,球隊成績急退,15場比賽以來,只取得4勝11負的成績。

在接受訪問時,Jason Kidd表示他並不介懷,最重要是球隊的成長。他認為,無論球隊最終贏得比賽與否,球隊每仗的表現也有進步,當中最重要是在每次投失後得到學習。Kidd也認為,他是以6個月來建立一支球隊,並不是以短時間來為球隊帶到一些特別的成績。作為1支年輕球隊,給予年輕球員經驗成長,才是最重要。

引用"We’re getting better every time we play, winning or losing. We had two good looks, two wide open looks. We learn from missed shots, we learn from making winning shots so we’re not trending down.”

“Sometimes you’ve got to look in front of you. … We’re here to build something, not to do something in six months. This is a bigger picture so we feel that we have a core here that will be around a long time and have success.”

“You have to show more film (to younger guys). You have to spend a little more time on the floor, because there’s just not enough minutes under some of the guys’ belts when you talk about 20 years old. they just haven’t had enough of seeing what’s in front of them until they strike 22 or 23 years old, then you can say they maybe have seen a lot of things that an 18-, 19-year old hasn’t seen before.”

這正正與籃網的時候相反,在籃網執教時,Jason Kidd被要求帶領球隊即時取得好成績。

