Doc Rivers深信Paul Pierce還能多打幾年

或許有很多球迷仍然不習慣,Paul Pierce不是穿著白、綠色的塞爾特人的球衣,而是在這兩個球季分別穿上籃網和巫師的球衣。這位37歲的老將,下年的合約為550萬美元的球員選項。外界估計,若他跳出合約,也有可能會找到一份優厚且年期更長的合約,就如去年Vince Carter與灰熊簽下的合約所類似。

現快艇教練、尋在波士頓與Pierce合作的Doc Rivers在訪問中談及了Pierce。他認為,Pierce現時打球的方式與10年前不變,這也是他仍然是這麼出色的原因。Rivers認為,Pierce不是用身體素質來打球,現時用基本功、籃球智慧去擊敗對手。

引用“We were talking about him early, and Ralph (Lawler, Clipper broadcaster) was saying ‘He’s gone back to the youth fountain.’ No he hasn’t, he’s playing the same way he was 10 years ago.”

“That’s why he’s so good. Paul’s never used his athleticism, that’s been his secret to me. He uses timing, and he outsmarts people. He uses his angles; he uses fundamentals."


引用“I said years ago Paul can play forever; he can play until he decides he doesn’t want to play because he’ll always be effective. I watched him in our gym this summer, playing with all these young guys in a pickup game, and he dominated the game. These guys are going a thousand miles an hour and here comes Paul. It’s just funny to watch. I’ve seen it up close, and obviously I’m watching it from afar now.”

今季加盟了巫師後,Pierce增加了3分出手,而且命中率達到40%。Rivers認為這樣對Pierce和巫師雙方也有利。確實,今季平均只有12.8的Pierce在得分方面有所下降。但是在巫師的陣容中,大部分策劃進攻的工作也落在John Wall手上,現時Paul Pierce只是作好了角色球員的工作。

