Marc Gasol否認他鐵定留隊的傳聞,表示沒有排除任何可能性

今個夏天,Marc Gasol、LaMarcus Aldridge、Kevin Love、(甚至是LeBron James)都會是轉會市場上的焦點人物。近期,不少消息指Marc Gasol不會離開灰熊,鐵定留在孟菲斯這個第二家鄉。可是,據<ESPN>的Ian Begley報導,Marc Gasol否認有關傳聞。

Marc Gasol表示,他沒有把任何一種可能性排除在外,他不知道有關自己的報導和傳聞從何而來。而對他來說,他還沒有想過有關問題。對他來說,他希望為迎接季後賽而調整自己的狀態,他現在並沒有考慮自己的未來。

引用“I haven’t ruled anything out because I haven’t thought about anything so it would be [premature].”

“The reports and stuff like that, I don’t know where they come from because in my mind I haven’t thought about it. I have no [idea] how they can go there. I don’t know. … We’re in the final stretch of the regular season and we want to get in a good feeling for the playoffs so, trust me, I’m not worrying or thinking about those things yet.”

如果Marc Gasol選擇留隊,他可以可以得到一份起薪1800萬美元的5年頂薪合約。而如果他選擇其他球隊,他只能得到4年的頂薪合約,而且薪金跳升幅度也由7.5%下調至4.5%。


引用“I know what [the Knicks] are trying to accomplish as a team, but like I said we’re trying to accomplish the same thing in Memphis and we’re trying to get to have a chance to go for a ring,”

“I see this [Knicks] team being in the same spot we were six or seven years ago when we were winning 20 games and we were trying to create something for the future.”

儘管他沒有否定加盟紐約的可能性,但從他的說話當中,他滿意現時球隊有爭逐總冠軍的實力。不過,正如Marc Gasol所說,現時的焦點應集中在季後賽吧。

