舊戰友一一退役,Amar’e Stoudemire否認將於季後退休

在鳳凰城太陽時候,Amar’e Stoudemire曾與兩位明星球員Steve Nash和Shawn Marion一起渡過美好時光。然而Steve Nash日前已宣佈退役,而Shawn Marion早陣子也宣佈在今季後引退。因此,近日有傳聞指Stoudemire或考慮引退,尤其是他加盟小牛後,平均上陣只有15分鐘的時間。


引用“No, no, there’s no way. There’s a lot of youth in these legs. I have a lot of competitive juices still flowing in me. There’s no way I’m ready to be the next man…."

“This isn’t it for me, for sure. There’s a lot of basketball left. There’s a lot of high-level basketball left in me. I feel competitive. I have faith in my body, what I can do on a basketball court on a consistent basis."

“The next step should be the best step, because I want to make sure I leave the game on a high note. That’s the ultimate goal.”


因此,有傳聞指小牛班主Mark Cuban希望留用他。然而,Stoudemire會否留下,相信其中一個關鍵是小牛能否提供一份令他滿意的合約。而更重要的是,小牛能否保持一個奪冠班底,令Stoudemire完成奪冠美夢。

