Lance Stephenson:我不後悔與黃蜂簽約

在季前,以3年2700萬美元與黃蜂簽下合約的Lance Stephenson,表現一直未如在溜馬時期出色。日前在對波士頓塞爾特人的比賽,更是長期坐在板凳上。

對於表現未如人意,Lance Stephenson被問到有否後悔加盟黃蜂。他說他不後悔,他表示愛這裡的教練和體系。他明白有些球員需要多點時間適應,而他自己就是這些球員。

引用"Not at all. I love this system. I love my coaches. I love my teammates. Some people come into systems and fit right in. Some people it takes time. I feel like with me, I'm going to take time."


引用"It's a coach's decision and my job is to keep a positive attitude."

可是,當記者問到教練Steve Clifford為何沒有派Stephenson上陣時,Clifford表示這是因為Stephenson對球隊的體係還沒有適應。

Clifford認為,這是因為Stephenson是第一次在不同的球隊打球,之前的四年,Stephenson一直在為同一支球隊、同一個教練效力,而從來沒有經歷過其他的攻防體系。所以他需要咁長時間適應。相反,季中才加盟黃蜂的Mo Williams只需用3天時間便明白球隊體系。

引用"I think the biggest thing for him is he's 23 and this is the first time he's gone somewhere different. He's played for the same team and same coach for four years with the same basic offensive and defensive structure."

"In three days Mo knew everything we're doing. That is what happens. For Lance it has taken a while to get comfortable."

今個賽季,Lance Stephenson場均只取得8.3分、4.7個籃板和4.1次助攻,而在上賽季他在溜馬是取得13.8分、7.2個籃板和4.6次助攻。

