Draymond Green認為快艇球員自大,另對KG充滿敬意

勇士對快艇的對戰,近幾季也充滿話題性,而今年的重點,或許是勇士球員Draymond Green與快艇教練和球員所打的「口水戰」


引用“They have a cocky arrogance, like they’ve won something, and they haven’t done nothing.”

“They pretty much been to the same spot in the playoffs we’ve been to. But they have this cockiness like you’re supposed to bow down to them. They ain’t proved nothing. They ain’t earned nothing. What respect have you earned?”


引用“I wouldn’t say that, because I don’t expect anybody to bow down to me. Nor do I expect you to respect me. I’m going to earn your respect. When it’s all said and done, you’ll respect me and our team.”

Green是一位垃圾話專家,在訪問中,他談及了這方面的前輩Kevin Garnett。Green指Garnett就是一個不斷說垃圾話和大聲嚇唬對手的人。所以對著他,Green會向著Garnett說他別再搞笑了。不過,Green對著Garnett仍然會是充滿敬意。

引用“KG just talks junk to try and scare people. He won’t say nothing directly to you. He just says stuff about you out loud, like talking to himself. So I called him out: ‘Bro, you’re not scaring anyone. Just stop with the antics.’ We got into it, but I’ve got a lot of respect for him.”

