Matt Barnes指Allen Iverson當年如何揮金如土,同時指76人教練是個混蛋
今個星期,自從Chris Copeland在夜店受襲、Thabo Sefolosha在夜店被捕和疑似被警棍打至骨折後,夜店成為今個星期的熱門話題。
據<體育畫報>報導,Matt Barnes除了日前表達了自由球員為何不加盟湖人的原因外,他也談到了05-06球季在76人效力的時光。那時候,他目睹了Allen Iverson的花錢方法。
引用Allen was the first guy that showed me how NBA players spend money in strip clubs. That guy went. HARD. He'd throw so much money, and this was when I was first in the league, that I used to take my foot and scoop the s--t under my chair and either re-throw it or put some in my pocket. He'd throw $30,000, $40,000 every time we went. I'm like, "You realize what I can do with this money?"
此外,Barnes也回憶當時如何被主教練Mo Cheeks無視,在76人中,Barnes剛進聯盟不久,在球隊也是排在第12人的輪換位置,他練習時花時間射籃。然而教練Mo Cheeks卻指責他為何練習射球,Cheeks認為Barens在76人陣中根本不會得到射籃的機會。當時Barnes忍了這道氣。
不過,事隔多年,Barnes仍然十分討厭Mo Cheeks。而多年來Barnes雖然不是一位出色的射手,但在定點三分和防守工作,他表現得十分稱職。