Westbrook得到Kobe Bryant和Gary Payton辯護

這兩個月來,雷霆的Russell Westbrook打出驚人的表現,先後獲得Kobe Bryant、Allen Iverson、Larry Bird的讚美。不過,在對溜馬一仗射入54分的Westbrook,卻因出手次數達43次之高,而受到球迷批評。對此,Kobe Bryant和Gary Payton也為Westbrook辯護。

Kobe Bryant在Twitter上對於一張寫上 “54、9個籃板8個助攻,命中率49%,但所有媒體關注的是43次出手”的照片寫上”Stop It”,明顯是幫Westbrook作出辯護。


及後他再發了兩個Twitter,其中一個寫上“歷史上哪位偉大的球員在總決賽第3場的失利中43投19中?",他的意思指Michael Jordan在1993年公牛不敵太陽的總決賽第3場中43投19中,得到了44分9籃板6助攻。但他仍然是被認為傳奇人物。


另一個Twitter則寫上"人們總會找到方法批評你,唯一能讓這些人閉嘴的方式就是取得勝利,這也是Michael Jordan和我自己所接受的挑戰方式"


而名將Gary Payton就對Westbrook有更詳細的評價。在訪問中,他首先認為Anthony Davis是一個數據全面,且很有機會帶領球隊進入季後賽的球員,Davis是他心中的MVP人選,只是他的傷患不少,影響了奪獎機會。

引用I’m a little different about what the MVP is considered to be. I’m thinking that when a guy who has a team already, and has a lot of players on his team and they’re a front runner—that guy isn’t considered the MVP unless they’re putting up great, great, great numbers. Like [Anthony] Davis—if he wouldn’t have gotten hurt, I think he would’ve been the MVP in my book. They’re in the 8-seed right now, and I think they could [make that Playoffs], but that’s the type of basketball player I’m seeing as MVP, when you have numbers like that with points, assists, rebounds, blocked shots, and then you get your team in the Playoffs, that’s the MVP to me because you put that team in there.

而Payton認為,現時熱門人選不外乎Stephen Curry、James Harden和Russell Westbrook。三人中,他會揀選Westbrook成為MVP。他認為Westbrook打出驚人的數據,取得了很多次的大三元。

引用But right now, the three that’s gonna be there are Westbrook, Harden and Curry. If I would have to pick right now: What Westbrook has done is amazing, what he did with the triple-doubles. I don’t like that he shoots a lot to get the points, but he’s done a great job. I would give him the edge right now, then it would be Curry, and then Harden. But you don’t know what’s gonna happen.


引用What Westbrook has right now in that team, he doesn’t have Durant right now. So this is the way they’re winning basketball games, with him [shooting a lot]. But the good thing about it is he’s getting assists in rebounds, too. He’s getting a triple-double. It’s a total game. So with the 43 [shot attempts on Sunday], I think that was a little too much last night. I think you’ve gotta get the other players more involved. When you [take 43 shots], you get everybody to watch you, and I don’t like the watching. You’ve gotta cut it down to about 25, 26 shots per game.

Russell Westbrook剛入聯盟的時候,他的防守能力被人拿到與Gary Payton作比較。而Payton這個評價看來也很中肯,這無疑對Westbrook是一個肯定。

