
帝王主帥George Karl在季中接任球隊後,已不是第一次向外界表示,球隊沒有非賣品。在對湖人的比賽後,他們得到了28場膀利,與前兩個球季相同。賽後,Karl教練向傳媒表示了一些他對球隊未來的看法。


引用"I think we can make a big step next year. As an organization, we have to be aware of what if? What if we get offered (a good trade)? What if? That’s Pete and Vlade’s (Divac) area of expertise.”

“I’ve had some great players and I’ve never had one player that I have said is untradeable.You always got to be ready for the possibility of a great trade that could come your way."

言下之意,是否指出DeMarcus Cousins可被交易?Karl沒有正面回答,他指自己很尊重Cousins,每天也有所交流,而Karl也希望此溝通能夠繼續。

引用“I know I respect him (DeMarcus Cousins) a tremendous amount . . . I think our give and take and our communication has been almost on a daily basis . . . until we can really get to a special place together, I think we’ve got to continue to communicate, what he wants and what I want.”


引用“We have excuses but excuses are for losers and we want to be a winner.”

